
strange, but it's as though an 8th member of our family came home. My husband is one person, but Julie is an entirely different personality and I'm proud and fortunate to know her.

I must tell you of an incident that happened not long ago. The children and I were in church. We left Julie home, where she spent the morning doing dishes and being the lady of the house. A couple of

our closest friends came to see us. Bob got to the door just in time to see Julie flit into the bedroom. They left and later Bob really gave Jim the dickens for having a "woman" around while I was gone! What to do! His love for me was strong enough he wanted them to know the truth. So he told them his story- complete with Transvestia and the rest. Bob's re- action? He was glad it wasn't another woman. He and his wife felt that if Jim wanted to dress it was his business, We are still friends and we have no secrets. Jim took the chance of losing 2 dear friends yet we could have anyway if they had thought he was entertaining women. Dark secrets just don't help anyone. I just wish everyone would accept the Virginia's, and the Julie's and others I have met, and give them their place in this world. I've never in all my life met any warmer, more sincere friends than the ones I've met thru Phi Pi Epsilon (our social organization





Our home is open to our TV friends and their wives and children. We live on a Merry-Go-Round what with fishing and swimming and all 5 kid's act- ivities. There are many more little fun details, I could go on forever. One last thought just popped into my head - that some may wonder about our love- life. There never was or ever will be a more beau- tiful and sincere love life as husband and wife than the one Julie and I share. We feel and share the problems of the day, and Jim is every bit the husband I need. My wishes and desires he knows and shares. We are alike in so many ways and again I say, I feel it's the TV in our lives that has made understanding
